
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Wife He Met Online: Pyromaniacs are fun!

The Story:
A woman with a jealous streak meets a divorced man online.
The Rating: A+
The Review: 
*Contains spoilers*
I really enjoyed this Lifetime movie. It has all the perfect elements and soap opera fans will like that  three soap actors (Cameron Mathison-Ryan-AMC, Sydney Penny-Julia-AMC, Barbara Niven-Liz-OLTL) are in it. Bryant (Cameron Mathison) meets Georgia (Sydney Penny) on an online dating website. Bryant was married to Virginia and they have a daughter, Regan. First off what is with the names? Georgia, Virginia, Regan? Worst of all Bryant! I am surprised the daughter isn't named Carolina. So Bryant and Georgia video chat for awhile and finally they get married. At the wedding you can already tell this bitch is crazy. The movie starts off with flashbacks of Georgia pouring gasoline all over a bed so it's no surprise she's unhinged. I thought it was cool how in the beginning of the movie we think Georgia's mother (played by Lifetime movie favorite, Barbara Niven) is actually alive, but then we learn that Georgia actually set her drunk mom on fire and she is just delusional. Once Bryant and Georgia are married the jealous streak really lights up. Literally. Apparently Bryant use to date a coworker named Zenya..(yes Zenya) and he never told Georgia (which I think is messed up). Georgia decides to make Zenya and her car explode. She even has time to smoke a cigarette before the car blows up. Just when Zenya is out of the picture Bryant's nosy ex-wife Virgina is getting suspicious..I mean Virgina has a husband..I have learned in these movies that if the ex-wife is still in the picture she always is snooping and trying to dig up dirt so you really should get rid of the ex-wife first and deal with the other bitches later. Also the little brat Regan is snooping on Georgia's laptop so Georgia gets mad and Regan does the "I am going to tell mom" routine..with a little bribery (Georgia gives the kid 40 dollars to shut up) Regan keeps quiet. Georgia's dream of a perfect life start to unravel as soon as Virgina digs up more dirt from Georgia's past. She calls one of Georgia's old co-workers, Penny (played by the Queen of Lifetime, Sophie Gendron). I love how Sophie Gendron's character's name is Penny since she already played Penny in the lifetime movie "Her Perfect Spouse". Is this the same Penny who owns the hottest club, Social! OMG it's Penny from Social! Does this mean Georgia used to work at Social? Does this movie take place before "Her Perfect Spouse" or did Penny somehow survive being stabbed and is actually alive! Anyway Penny has nothing but nice things to say about Georgia. Everything official falls apart when Virgina gets in contact with Georgia's ex-boyfriend who basically warns Virgina that Georgia likes fire. Bryant is clueless for the most part until he gets stabbed in the gut by Georgia. Luckily she has enough time to dodge the cops. Bryant turns out to live and in the next scene we see him with Virgina and her husband at a BBQ. It seems really pathetic that he is hanging out with his ex-wife and her husband.. What about Georgia though? Last time we saw her she had just stabbed Bryant and was running from the cops..hmm...oh there's Geogia! Is she in jail? NO..She is living it up in New York City with a new look and a new guy on the line. I've noticed with most of these lifetime movies if the woman is bad she will most likely get away with everything, but if the man is bad he always gets caught or dies a terrible death. It's important to note that this is the first movie I have seen where the "crazy woman" has a specialty when it comes to killing people..usually they sort of go with whatever is around..shovel, rock, knife etc. Georgia was a pyromaniac. It was all about the fire and in the end it was the fire that set her free..and onto the next online loser.